Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Educational Apps: Revamping Education for Educators and Disciples

The great scientist, Albert Einstein, once said, ‘Education is not learning of facts, but the training of mind to think.’ and this statement still holds truth and justifies the changing practices in the field of education. 

With the immense technological advancement, even the field of education has been completely revamped. Smart tools like educational apps are being widely preferred by educators all over the globe. This advancement in education is being welcomed by students as well who prefer to be taught in an innovative manner rather than being made to be rote learned.

These new innovations in technology have changed the face of education of Sri Lanka and are gradually becoming popular all over the globe. In Sri Lanka, education has become a priority for the government and every step is being taken to provide education which broadens the horizon of student.

Even teacher training in Sri Lanka is done through apps and redundant traditional methods are avoided. These technological innovations prepare the teacher in a better manner and also facilitate them in providing quality education. The teachers who are well-versed with these technologies can obviously help and guide their students in a more advanced way.

These teaching technologies help the inquisitive students in more than one way and help them to build the essential skills of social interaction. Children complete their daily tasks on a tablet or on a laptop and are not smothered by the weight of books, both literally as well as figuratively. At homes too, parents can check the progress of their children easily using these tablets or laptops and need not go through each and every notebook.

Online education in Sri Lanka has also become immensely popular especially among students who wish to learn new things in an entertaining way. Education without interest and entertainment is often seen as a burden but when an arduous mathematical problem is presented as a puzzle, the students are delighted to solve them and needless to say, get to learn more. All the assignments can also be submitted online and can be readily checked and graded by teachers through cloud computing. This latest innovation allows teachers to give a feedback readily without any delay.

Educational apps such as Nytra promote sustainable learning and build an analytical way of thinking which is not granted by the redundant traditional techniques. These mobile apps can easily be downloaded and help the student to develop a keen inquisitiveness which is often killed by the monotonous teaching schedules.